
Homecoming Schedule 2021

Please note: schedule is subject to change. 

HOMECOMING 2021 Schedule of Events

FRIDAY, March 12

11 a.m. Falcons Athletics Alumni Q&A and Reunion RSVP required
2 p.m. Falcons Athletics: Men’s and Women’s Tennis vs. Christian Brothers UM Tennis Courts; streaming link to come
5:30 p.m. UMNAA Distinguished Alumnus & Award Recognition Reception*
• Distinguished Alumnus Award

• Nathalie Molton Gibbons Alumni Achievement Award
• Nathalie Molton Gibbons Young Achiever’s Award
 RSVP required
7:30 p.m. Junior Board presents College Night Trivia with Dr. Jeff Walker* RSVP required
8:30 p.m. Young Alumni Reunion and College Night Dance Party with Zach Banks* RSVP (same as above; one registration will access both events)

SATURDAY, March 13

Noon UMNAA Homecoming Recognition & Annual Business Meeting*
• UMNAA Annual Business Meeting
• Honored Classes
• Distinguished Alumnus Award
• Nathalie Molton Gibbons Alumni Achievement Award
• Nathalie Molton Gibbons Young Achiever’s Award
RSVP required
2 p.m. Behavioral & Social Sciences Reception and Award Presentation  Contact BSS
3 p.m. Class Reunions
Alabama College Society Facebook group
Class of 1971 Reunion 1970s’ Facebook group
Class of 1981 Reunion  1980s’ Facebook group
Class of 1991 Reunion 1990s’ Facebook group
Class of 2001 Reunion 2000s’ Facebook Group
Falcons Athletics: Women’s Soccer vs. Lee UM Soccer Field; streaming link to come
5 p.m. GV/PV Reunions
Old Golds Alumni Club Reunion* RSVP required
Vintage Purples Alumni Club Reunion* Event information
7 p.m. *College Night Production Information will be sent via email

*Event requires ticket or registration